miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Doctorado y posdoc en el CRPG

Bea nos manda esta nueva oferta:

One post doctoral researcher and one PhD student to
join the noble gas team at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et
Géochimiques (CRPG), Nancy, France.

Postdoctoral Position
The project aims to quantify the diffuse degassing of sub aerial
volcanoes and rift zones using noble gases. High precision noble gas
isotopic and abundance measurements will be made in air samples from
actively degassing regions of the Earth using state-of-the-art
analytical equipment specifically constructed for this purpose. The
successful candidate will have recently completed a PhD in geochemistry
or atmospheric chemistry (noble gas experience would be an advantage)
and will have an in-depth understanding of mass spectrometers and their
operation. The position is for a minimum of two years commencing
September 2011.

Potential applicants should send a CV, contact details of three
independent referees and a description of research interests to Bernard
Marty (_bmarty@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr_) or Pete Burnard

PhD Position
A three year PhD position is available to study magmatic degassing using
experimental petrology combined with noble gas analysis. Vesicle-bearing
silicate glasses will be synthesised in the laboratory at high
temperature and pressure, and the noble gas distribution between
vesicles and glass will be measured using a laser microprobe. The
successful candidate will have a masters level degree in geoscience,
physics or chemistry and should be competent in laboratory procedures.

Potential applicants should send a CV and contact details of three
independent referees to Pete Burnard (peteb@crpg.cnrs-nancy.fr).

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